Friday, July 27, 2012

Candy Cigarettes, Capguns, Issue Problems! and Such (2011)

A compilation of Andrew Jackson Jihad's first LP, first EP, and some other bits and pieces.  It does a great job of capturing the band in their earlier years, as said in the album's liner notes, "when we had nothing to lose or prove, long before our lavish spending habits had gotten the best of us and we had to spend more than 15 minutes making an album."

"Some of you may have noticed that we do not play a fair amount of these songs anymore, particularly some songs featured on our first record, Candy Cigarettes and Cap Guns.  To be perfectly honest, I don't remember how to play most of these songs, and furthermore, my grandmother has now heard tured on our first record, Candy Cigarettes and Cap Guns.

Here's how it happened: She has recently discovered how to use the internet, and now checks up on AJJ news daily.  While skimming through our videos on Youtube (which she thinks is our website), she came across the songs "Be Afraid of Jesus,", "Lady Killer", and "Fuck White People".  When she wrote to tell me that she had heard these songs, waves of embarrassment flooded my brain, and I knew that my greatest subconscious fear had been realized.  The prospect of my grandmother hearing these songs had been a long time fear of mine, and I should have known that it was only a matter of time before she heard these songs, which were written under my grandparent's roof while I was living there in high school.

If you happen to be at one of our shows, and Ben and I do not honor a request from this album, please think of my grandma, because while we are very proud to have released and rereleased Candy Cigarettes and Cap Guns, the thought of my grandmother watching us play "Fuck White People" is personally horrifying, and I am not willing to take the chance that it'll end up on Youtube

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