Friday, July 13, 2012

Ire Works (2007)

The third album by one of the predominant mathcore bands. After two major band departures that effectively changed how the album was recorded, Ire Works was released in November of 2007. All of the guitar work on the album was performed by Ben Weinman, who also reprised his role of programming on the album, and the drums were done by Gil Sharone, who remained in the band until the start of 2009. The album is composed of more avant-garde metal with the more traditional mathcore sound that the band was known for on their first album, Calculating Infinity. This album continued the buildup that eventually led up to the band's most recent release, Option Paralysis.

Got so much salt from your lies poured into me
You didn't see yourself dead already
So full of with every breath that you breathe
But you forgot that in your fairy tale I'm the wolf
All this attention got you thinking that you're a queen
You think that everything you're doing isn't a dream, long as it feel alright.

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